Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts has closed. Submitted abstracts are now under review by the Track Committees.

Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection will be sent to the presenting author by 15 July 2024. Communications will only be sent to the presenting author. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to communicate with co-authors.

Abstracts will be featured under a thematic track. Click here for information on the thematic tracks for the 7th Global Forum.

Key Dates & Deadlines

28 March 2024:
29 May 2024:
15 July 2024:
31 August 2024:
Call for abstracts announced
Call for abstracts closes - Extended date
Notification sent to presenting author
Registration deadline for presenting author
28 March 2024:
29 May 2024:
15 July 2024:
31 August 2024:
Call for abstracts announced
Call for abstracts closes - Extended date
Notification sent to presenting author
Registration deadline for presenting author

28 March 2024

Call for abstracts announced

29 May 2024

Call for abstracts closes - extended date

15 July 2024

Notification sent to presenting author

31 August 2024

Registration deadline for presenting author