Media and Social Media Policy

The Global Forum on TB Vaccines welcomes press coverage by registered media and social media activity from all participants. Before posting or disseminating information presented or discussed at the 7th Global Forum in any print or social media platform, please read the following guidelines, which have been put forth to maintain a welcoming and supportive environment for sharing research and information.

Thank you in advance for following these basic guidelines for media coverage and online posts of all kinds. We look forward to an exciting event and collectively advancing progress for TB vaccines.

For Speakers

  • The Global Forum on TB Vaccines encourages sharing ideas and information via media and social media channels, to help us disseminate information beyond the Global Forum. Therefore, presentations and interventions will be considered publishable and quotable, unless you explicitly request that information is not to be shared on any media platform
  • If you will be presenting information that you do not wish to be shared via social media or other public platforms, please take the following steps:
    1. Announce at the beginning of your presentation that the information you share is confidential and that you do not wish to have the information presented be shared publicly via social media, blogging, or other online platforms.
    2. Include a confidential statement or “no posting” icon on any slides that contain information that you do not wish to be shared publicly. You are encouraged to do this even if you make an announcement at the beginning of your talk, as some participants may arrive late.
    3. Indicate that your comments are off-the-record if you do not wish media or participants to quote you on public and media platforms.
  • The Global Forum organizers strongly encourage compliance with these guidelines and all speaker requests regarding confidentiality but cannot guarantee it.
  • The Global Forum organizers will seek approval from authors if they wish to make information to be presented at the Forum such as scientific abstracts available to registered media ahead of the Forum, under embargo.

For Registered Media

For Participants

  • Only media representatives who have applied for and been granted media credentials may register to attend and report on the 7th Global Forum.
  • The Forum organizers can support requests from journalists for interviews with speakers, authors and presenters, and other 7th Global Forum participants. Please contact
  • We ask that all reporters gain approval from a speaker or poster presenter prior to quoting or publishing that individual's scientific results.
  • Please honor any speaker’s request to refrain from sharing unpublished data or other information from presentations on any media platform.
  • Photographs or screenshots of presentations for publication purposes is permitted unless presenters request confidentiality during their presentation, as indicated by a “no posting” icon or a confidential notation on the slide. Video or audio recording of presentations is not permitted.
  • Presentation slides will be made publicly available online at the end of the event, where permission has been granted by the presenter. Requests to access presentations during the conference must be submitted to the conference organizers and are subject to permission granted by the presenters.
  • The Forum organizers may opt to make embargoed information available to media registered to attend the Forum. Failure to comply with the embargo may result in press being barred from attending this and future editions of the Forum.
  • Speakers may present novel research that is not yet published or deliver interventions that contain information that is confidential. Please honor any speaker’s requests to refrain from sharing unpublished data or other information from presentations on any social media or other public platform.
  • Photographing and staking screenshots for social media purposes is permitted, unless speakers request that information shared is confidential (including by displaying “no posting” icon or by indicating information as off-the-record). Video or audio recording presentations is not permitted. Presentation slides will be made publicly available online at the end of the event, where permission has been granted by the presenter.
  • The Global Forum on TB Vaccines aims to foster collaboration, constructive debate, partnerships and new ideas – on social media and beyond. Inappropriate language or personal attacks will not be tolerated.
  • Please following us on X @GlobForumTBVax and use these hashtags in your tweets and retweets: #7GFTB, #TBVax, #VaccinesWork, #EndTB.