Meet the 7th Global Forum Community Engagement Committe!

23 August 2024

The Organizing Partners for the 7th Global Forum on TB Vaccines are pleased to introduce the Community Engagement Committee. We’re proud to be working with 10 expert advocates and activists to inform community engagement and advocacy efforts for the 7th Global Forum, in what is the Global Forum’s first Community Engagement Committee. Representing more than 10 countries and languages, the committee brings diverse expertise in TB advocacy and activism and represents major community and civil society networks from around the world.

Committee members are collaborating on efforts to amplify community voices at the 7th Global Forum, while developing their skills and capacities in TB vaccine advocacy and those of their networks. Actions include leading the drafting of the Community Declaration of the 7th Global Forum. Earlier in August, the committee hosted a multilingual community webinar with breakout group discussions in eight languages to inform the Declaration. The Declaration will be available for public endorsement in September and will be presented during the Opening Ceremony of the 7th Global Forum on Tuesday 8 October 2024. Committee members will also be speaking at sessions throughout the Forum where they will share their invaluable perspectives on TB vaccine research and development, access and implementation, and advocacy and resource mobilization.

Keep reading to meet the committee members.

Patrick Agbassi

Patrick P. Agbassi

Co-chair, Global TB Community Advisory Board  |  Envopharm
Côte d'Ivoire

"The current BCG vaccine is insufficient, and effective new vaccines would significantly reduce TB transmission, morbidity, and mortality. These vaccines would not only transform the lives of individuals and families but also strengthen global health systems by reducing the burden of disease and associated economic costs. To realize this potential, it is imperative world leaders fulfill their commitments to fund TB research and development. Investment in TB R&D is not just a moral obligation but an economic imperative, as the cost of inaction far exceeds the investment required. By prioritizing TB vaccine development, we can achieve a world free of TB and improve overall health outcomes globally."

Paulina Siniatkina

Paulina Siniatkina

Artist & TB survivor, TBPeople

"I’m an artist and a tuberculosis survivor. Since overcoming TB in 2015, I have been addressing TB-associated stigma through my artistic practice. I co-founded TBpeople Global and currently work with KNCV TB Plus. It’s alarming that, in the 21st century, TB still claims millions of lives. We urgently need to end tuberculosis, and new, effective vaccines will bring us closer to this goal. Evidence-based medicine is crucial for society; it is the foundation for a future free of TB. However, we lack trust in society which inevitably shapes stigma. Building this trust is something we, as a community, can do together. I am very honored to be part of this committee. I feel a significant responsibility in this role, and I look forward to working together with the other committee members."

Ezio Távora

Ezio Távora

Community Engagement Projects Manager, Rede Tuberculose Brazil

“Vaccines have been an important aspect of research and development against HIV and AIDS. For TB, we need to accelerate vaccine development and implementation. The challenges for that are big, but we have never been so close to implement a new vaccine, which can be life saving to so many vulnerable people, such as people deprived of liberty and homeless people. Although we have a one-day treatment for syphilis, we have never ended syphilis. In this way, new vaccines will be a key tool to fight TB. We must create the understanding of its importance and a positive atmosphere for new studies and trials in many different countries. And community engagement is fundamental for this effort. I'm pleased to see social mobilization in the Global Forum, creating awareness and leadership in community participation.”

Keyuri Bhanushali

Keyuri Arvind Bhanushali

TB Survivor & Activist, Survivors Against TB

“I am a TB survivor, turned activist. With Survivors Against TB, I work to raise awareness and combat TB stigma. I believe that prevention is always better than cure. Investing in TB vaccines saves lives and is economically wise. By funding vaccines, we can build a healthier and more resilient society. Let us join together to redirect the focus of stakeholders towards TB vaccine research and development. Together, we can help people live healthier, quality lives.”

Peter Owiti

Peter Ngo’la Owiti

Executive Director, Wote Youth Development Projects | GAVI CSO Steering Committee

“Preventing people from getting TB through vaccination is a moral responsibility. This ancient disease has not been eliminated despite the fact we have progressed in terms of science and technology. There must be something that is really stopping us from eliminating TB – the lack of political will, which causes global harm. Make vaccination be a public good. As a team of affected communities, we are prepared to prevent hesitancy when the vaccine is eventually authorized. vaccines don’t prevent disease, but vaccination does. From port to arm.”

Rosa Herrera_Circle

Rosa Herrera

Medical Doctor & Advocate, Global Tuberculosis Community Advisory Board | Universidad Autónoma de Durango, Campus Mexicali

“Fighting against tuberculosis without an effective vaccine is like trying to win a war without any shield. We can't afford a single death to a preventable and curable disease. TB is not only killing our communities but affecting our healthcare workers and our most vulnerable populations. It’s hitting the whole system beyond TB services. We can do better. We owe it to the next generation – we can give them hope for a TB free world.”

Ani Herna Sari

Ani Herna Sari

TB Survivor & Director, Rekat Peduli

“My experience of having TB twice makes the promise of new TB vaccines very important to me. Because of TB, many of my dreams had to be put on hold because of the long duration of TB treatment and painful side effects. TB survivors are also very vulnerable to being exposed to TB again. We appeal to world leaders to pay more attention to the development of vaccines so that we can access them as soon as possible.”

Jackie Cuen (1)

Jackie Cuen

Activist & TB survivor, We Are TB/Somos TB

“I would like people in power to commit to fund more R&D for TB because I don't want other people to go through what my peers and I have gone through. Considering how old this disease is, we should have better diagnostics, treatment that has significantly less side effects than what is currently in use, and effective and accessible vaccines that works in all populations. What we should not have is the large number of fatalities happening annually. World leaders should care more about the world's leading infectious disease killer.”

Vanessa Muwanga

Vanessa Mwebaza Muwanga

Intern, Working Group on New TB Vaccines | PhD Candidate, South Africa TB Vaccine Initiative
South Africa

“To defeat TB, we must try every approach we can. We need new TB vaccines because the current BCG vaccine does not give everyone long-lasting protection against pulmonary TB. New TB vaccines with the potential to prevent the onset and recurrence of TB disease can greatly reduce the number of deaths worldwide as well the high levels of transmission in many low-middle income settings. World leaders must fulfil their commitment to fund TB R&D so that we can deliver new TB vaccines to effectively fight this disease.”

Shaun Palmer

Shaun Palmer

Communications & Advocacy Specialist, IAVI | Co-lead, TB Vaccine Advocacy Roadmap (TB Vax ARM)

“Bringing new and effective TB vaccines to those who need them most requires a whole-of-society approach, centered on the needs, experiences, and preferences of people affected by TB. Community engagement is critical to our work, whether in clinical trials, access, or advocacy. We must continue to recognize the expertise and prioritize and empower the involvement of community members. I’m proud to be working alongside such a powerful group of people in the community engagement and advocacy efforts for the 7th Global Forum.”